Top 5 Well-Known Logo Designs And Their Hidden Meaning
We see so many logos throughout the day, but we don’t pay much attention to their details. Things aren’t always what they seem at first sight, and some of the well-known logos prove it. Check out the 5 well-known logo designs that you may have not known have a hidden meaning.
Did you know the original logo featured the image of Sir Issac Newton, sitting under the apple tree?
Steve Jobs named the company “Apple” simply because he liked the sound. Commonly, it is believed that the bite of the apple in the logo represent the “apple of knowledge from the Garden of eden”. But there is no such logic behind the logo design of this company. The owner simply wanted an apple to be its logo design because of the name, but later gave it a bite mark so that people might not think it as cheery or some other fruit.
Walt Disney
The logo of Walt Disney is a great example of handwritten wordmark logo. The castle in the logo is Cinderella’s castle, typically representing their theme park. Sometimes, in movies this castle is replaced by other castles. For example, in the movie Maleficent, Disney used the Sleeping Beauty castle instead of Cinderella’s castle. Commonly, people assume that the logo is the signature of the company’s owner, which is actually not. It was designed by a woman from his company. She aesthetically mingled the fantasy with fun in the logo.
This American delivery service company used the negative space in their logo efficiently. Try to look closer. Can you find anything? No! Look at the letter “E” and “x”. With the help of negative space between the letter “e” and “x” the shape of an arrow is formed. The hidden arrow suggest to the reliability and speed of the delivery service they provide to the customers.
Have you ever thought why there are so many colors in this Peacock shaped logo? Well, the answer is that the logo was created at the same time as a color television. Each feather signify each division of their business.
Have you ever noticed closely the logo design of this company? It forms the winky face. If you look minutely, the “L” forms the nose, “G” forms the face and the “dot” represents the eye. But it has more to it, the logo design represents the world, youth and technology.
Next time when you come across a logo design, take a closer look - you never know what could be hiding inside it. As you plan to create your own brand identity, you may want to incorporate hidden meanings into your logo too. It is better to ask a professional logo designer in the UK because they can give you proper advice on which logo design will suit your brand or business.
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